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Celebrities in Cognitive Science |
[ 发布日期:2008-12-14 ] 【返回】 |
Martin Ryder
University of Colorado at Denver
School of Education
Celebrities in Cognitive Science
Writings by and about leading thinkers in cognitive science, and critics and observers of the philosophy of mind.
Charles Babbage
Frederic Bartlett
Jerome Bruner
Vannevar Bush As We May Think (1945)
David Chalmers Chalmers profile (Peter Hankins)
Noam Chomsky Wikipedia) (Fact Index)
- Patricia Smith Churchland
- Churchland profile (Univ of Waterloo)
- Neurophilosophy a Toward a Unified Science of the Mind/Brain (review by Lorraine Wier)
- William Clancey
Michael Cole
Antonio Damasio
Daniel Dennett
Hubert Dreyfus
Gerald Edelman
Jerry Fodor
- Fodor profile (Wikipedia) mirror
- Fodor home page (Rutgers)
- The Elm and the Expert: Mentalese and Its Semantics (1995)
- The Mind Doesn't Work That Way: The Scope and Limits of Computational Psychology (2000)
- In Critical Condition: Polemical Essays on Cognitive Science and the Philosophy of Mind (1998)
- Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong (1992)
- The Modularity of the Mind (1983)
- Aydede (2004) The Language of Thought Hypothesis
- Bickle (1998) Multiple Realizability
- Cole (1997) Hearing Yourself Think
- Dennett (1991) Granny's Campaign for Safe Science
- Stepnisky (1995) Modularity
- computationalism (author unknown)
- other books by Jerry Fodor
Howard Gardner
Richard Gregory
- Gregory home page
- Mind in Science (1981)
- Brainy mind (1998)
Stevan Harnad
Douglas Hofstadter mirror) (mirror) mirror
- Hofstadter profile (Resonance Publications)
- Goedel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid (1979)
- Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies (1995)
- Le Ton Bequ de Marot
- review (International School of Geneva Alumni)
- review (Matt Freestone)
- Murrell Consciousness In The Cosmos: Perspective of Mind: Douglas Hofstadter
- Hofstadter Review of Holyoak and Thagard (1994) Mental Leaps: Analogy in Creative Thought pdf
David Hume
- Hume profile (ILT Web, Columbia Univ)
- Preston David Hume抯 Treatment of Mind
- Maxwell The Great Connexion: Hume's Metaphysical Logic of Belief-Constructed Causation
- Cause and Effect from An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1772)
Philip Johnson-Laird
George Lakoff
- Lakoff profile (Wikipedia) (mirror) (mirror)
- Lakoff Interview (John Brockman)
- Metaphors We Live By (with Mark Johnson, 1980)
- Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things (1987)
- review by Susan Stepney)
- review (by Stefano Mazzocchi)
- Steen (1997) The Theory of Cognitive Models
- Philosophy in the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and its Challenge to Western Thought
- Jones (2000) The Embodied Mind: Contrasting Visions
Karl Lashley
Brenda Laurel
A. R. Luria
Warren McCulloch
- Heinz von Foerster (1995) Metaphysics of an Experimental Epistemologist
- Embodiments of Mind (1965)
Drew McDermott
George Miller
Marvin Minsky
Allen Newell
Ulric Neisser
Seymore Papert
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936)
Jean Piaget
Roger Schank
John Searle
- Searle profile Wikipedia mirror mirror
- Searle profile (Peter Hankins)
- Feser and Postrel (2000) Reality Principles: An Interview with John R. Searle
- Rediscovery of the Mind (1993)
- Minds, Brains and Science (the Chinese Room) (1985)
- The Construction of Social Reality (1995)
Herbert Simon
Paul Thagard
- Cognitive Science is ... (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Alan Turing
- Alan Turing Home Page (Andrew Hodges)
- Turing profile (Paul Gray)
- Hodges (2000) Alan Turing: the Enigma
Mark Turner
- Mark Turner Home Page
- Fulford Mark Turner's The Literary Mind
Terry Winograd
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Valentin Voloshinov Parrington (1997) In Perspective: Valentin Voloshinov
Lev Vygotsky
Wilhelm Wundt
- Wundt profile (C. George Boeree)
- Wundt profile (Leilani Carbonell)
- Wundt profile (Jonathan Plucker)
- Principles of Physiological Psychology (1902) (Courtesy, Christopher Green)
- Outlines of Psychology (1897) (Courtesy, Christopher Green)
- Titchner (1921) Brentano and Wundt: Emperical and Experimental Psychology (Courtesy, Christopher Green)
All links verified December 08, 2008.
Main Index
December 08, 2008